How to Explain the Different Types of Love to Teens

Eros sexual passion Philia deep friendship Ludus playful love Agape love for everyone Pragma. Passion which involves feelings and desires that lead to physical attraction romance and.

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Be sure to teach your teen about the foundations of a healthy relationship.

. Romantic love is all-consuming sexual arousal eros paired with comfort security and respect for the other. Its a passionate love displayed through physical affection. 16 of teens are not currently dating but have had some sort of romantic relationship.

This form of love is valued in Western culture particularly within the Christian faith. These romantic behaviors include. The eight different types of love according to the ancient Greeks are.

Eros Eros is sexual or. Define a Healthy Relationship. Romantic love is a love bred over time with the accruement of respect.

This type of love describes the unconditional love that parents have for their children. Explain that a healthy relationship comes from respect mutual. The three components of love in the triangular theory of love are intimacy passion and decisioncommitment Sternberg 1986.

There are many types of love. An agapic partner will love you just as. This love usually develops out of feelings of mutual understanding and shared respect.

5 of teens are in a current romantic relationship but do not consider it to be serious. Eros Romantic Love. It is defined by unconditional approval acceptance and sacrifice.

It refers to a state of peace in. Agapic individuals are giving and caring and are centred on their partners needs. Sternberg 1988 suggests that there are three main components of love.

This type of love. Types of Love In our society love has been given different names. This is more of a conceptual type of love and is something to aim for rather than something we may necessarily be feeling already.

There are several types of sexual orientation. Passion intimacy and commitment. Sternbergs Triangle of Love.

Compassionate love is characterized by mutual respect attachment affection and trust. Although probably the least exciting type of love Pragma πράγμα is. Platonic love is one of the most innocent forms of love it symbolizes chastity purity and is known as the most poetic and powerful of loves if the consent is mutual goes without saying.

They are communicated through four Greek words Eros Storge Philia and Agape and are characterized by romantic love family love brotherly love and Gods divine. They are affection bonding broken heart compassionate love conjugal love courtly love falling in love free love friendship love. Intimacy which involves feelings of closeness connectedness and bondedness.

This is largely a selfless and unconditional love. These seven types of love are loosely based on classical readings especially of Plato and Aristotle and on JA Lees 1973 book Colors of Love. Sexual orientation is the emotional romantic or sexual attraction that a person feels toward another person.

According to Sternberg these three components. Eros Storge Pragma Agape Ludus and Mania are the six types of love that are known by the intensity and intent of how we. Eros is a primal love that comes as a natural instinct for most people.

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